Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Almost officially dead, and the noob and the noober

Hello all again. It has been so long isn't it? Well, I'm just here to bitch about something because I can't do it on twitter or facebook. *laughs*

So let's get it started. This is a game rant so people who don't know what I'm talking about, sorry in advance. I just hate it when noobs, (the term noob is so loose here since I can't be called good yet) go complain about other players when they themselves aren't performing. It's like... complaining why the garbage man didn't pick up the garbage when you yourself didn't take the garbage out. It's just pointless. If you're so good like you say, why have I never seen you do as well as... hurm let me think for a bit.... that guy over there? The best among our team? or let's just even say me. If you're not doing that well in the game, even if you're so good and just having a bad day, just admit its your fault. Shit man, you're so low on the proficiency level of the game and you're talking like you're the best. I might be like you sometimes but at least I know my shits. Be a bit humble and just practice, you'll be amazed at how well you can do if you just shut it and just concentrate on your problems instead of others.

Sigh, such a long rant, and right after a long absence. I'm sorry. This blog seems like it's dying. I have tons of assignment due in these next few weeks so I might be writing more than what I should. Let's see. I forgot how calming writing here feels like. See you some other time then, if I ever write again.

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