Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year

Hello there, a new year is fast approaching. 2 days to be exact. I feel like yesterday was just 5th of January or something, is it just me? I can't seem to recall the best moments of 2011 right now. There are tons of it, I know there are tons of it. Let me see, there was the time when I got congrats from the jury for my diploma, that is like High Distinction if you don't know. There was the Bali trip, enrolling into a college in Australia and also the Chinese New Year BBQ at Adam's. Well I know there's more but I just can't remember.

What do you think of 2011? Is it good? Is it bad? Mine is a mixture of both but the good ones are leading so far. 2012 resolutions? I'll think of it another day.


Okay this post is not about me not working okay. It is about this frustrating day I had. Okay, hear me out. I spent the whole day trying to update my jailbroken ps3. Had to do it 2 times just because I missed the 2nd last step. Biznatch.

One would think it would be smooth sailing after that, but no, the ps3 just have to act up and not play some games which was working perfectly fine before. Hours and hours were spent in front of the computer to find out what went wrong. Thought to myself, while I search, might as well download Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. When the download finished, happiness struck. Transferred it all into my external disk and straight to the ps3 i went.

To add to my sucky day, the game can't be run as well. Tough luck ey. Gave up on it 20 mins ago. Luckily I can still play some games including Fifa11, MvC3, inFamous2 and Resonance of Fate. Grahhh I still haven't finished that game(RoF). I think I'm gonna start over since I don't even remember how to play it anymore. Sigh.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Had my interview today. To sum it all up, it was.... interesting. It's my first interview where I don't have to wear anything formal. I went there wearing a converse, a pair of skinny jeans and a not-so formal shirt and they still said I'm a bit too formal. The interviewers were great, all 3 of em. They're the owners of the small establishment. I was shaking like a leaf to be honest, but it all went great and I think I even said shit in the middle of the interview. Forgot what for, but they were cool about it.

On another note, support Janna. I think she's by far the best support for any AD carry in a lane. So what if she doesn't have any heal, she can prevent damage from being dealt in the first place with her tornado and slow. The shield helps as well. I just had to say this because I hate it when people say that supports must have healing skills. Who needs heals anyways, if the AD carry plays boots and 3 pots, and 21-9-0 masteries with health regen and lifesteal, they can just heal themselves back. Oh yeah, if you're saying "What if I get damaged a whole lot in the lane", it is your fault for not playing safely when you know there's a support with no heal supporting you, dumbass.

Oh wow, a League of Legends related post, my first one at that. Maybe there will be more of this because I like writing about it. Till then, just remember, INNER FLASH!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Good News

Yay! I got a job interview tomorrow! It's just for a small cafe but yay! Hope I don't screw up.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Failed miserably. I totally bailed on the plan of finding a work today. What great resolve I have. I feel like a waste of space now. I can't even stick to a simple plan. Sigh

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Finding a job

I have to say, I haven't been really trying, to find a job that is. It's just so troublesome for me. What could possibly encourage me to find a job which takes away my free time. Money? Well money is great and all but I'm so lazy. Sigh.

I really need to find one or I'm gonna rot in this room of mine. There's a freaking plate with dried fried rice under the bed. Kind of bummed that I'm not in Malaysia. My room is so much nicer than the one here in Melbourne. Sigh I'm being all sad now.

Okay! I've decided. I'm gonna seriously find a job now. Starting tomorrow! I swear!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Hi! Its been awhile. I've been busy with exams and after-exams activities. Now I need to find a job in this land down under. Lady luck isn't here with me it seems, I can't even get a reply from every place i applied.

Right now, at this moment. I'm in Eugene's place, somewhere along Swanston Street. It's 8.55 a.m now and I did not sleep a wink. I need to wake up early so I figured sleeping for a few hours ain't worth it. Regretting that a whole lot now. Should've just slept my ass off. I'm fucking bored now and I don't have anything to do. Oh why did I not sleep.