Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Warm Night

Arggghh. What a fucking warm night i'm having. It's friggin warm!!!!

Anyways, tomorrow I gotta head out early to fetch my BROTHER !!! omg i miss him weih!! Haha, he's coming back from Dublin, and I'm getting a NEWCASTLE jersey!! woot!!! well, lets hope that this warmness goes away so i can sleep early!! :D

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hello my blog, its been awhile hasn't it? i kinda miss writing and i don't really know why i stopped. A whole lot has happened since my last post, what kind of things u ask?

1. I finished my fucking diploma !!!! (with a congrats from jury as well, *ehem ehem*)

2. I kinda did a taboo which i won't say since my parents could be reading this, oh all right it starts with a D and it rhymes with winking. if you didn't get that, please, go back to standard 1.

3. I kinda, i said kinda, stopped kpop for a while. but it's just too awesome to get away from.

4. it's already 2011 bitches!!! hell yeah.

5. I just added a 5 cuz i cant end with no.4. don't you know? it is the number of DEATH!!