Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Why hello there good stranger. Today is the first day of classes for me in this semester. Only one class today and I found out that I have the attention of a puppy. I'll listen for a second and something will come up in my mind and after a few moments, I'll be listening again. If its for one or two times then its okay buy I had more than a few.

It was like I was daydreaming through half of the class. The subject is research and all I can remember from the class is that research is the process of discovery or some crap that sounds like that. Hah, guess I'll need some extra time in the library for this subject.

On another note, I think I'm a freak for some stupid reason that I'm not gonna tell. You must be thinking I'm a retard for only telling a small part of a story and not revealing the rest. Well you must understand that there might be a chance that someone I know is reading this. If they found out the whole story, I'll be considered a sad fool my entire life. Good to know right?

Okay that's all I guess. Ciao all.

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