Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Pastry Kitchen.. After almost 3 months of pressuring the human resource, i finally got into the pastry kitchen. It was my 1st day in that kitchen today and it was awesome! Though it was awesome, there's still some downside and one of them is the friggin morning shift! i have to go to the hotel before 7 !! and i dun have any transport back home after my shift finishes, i have to wait till either my dad or mom finish work and pick me up. Now is the time i really wish I've taken my license. Secondly, I miss the extra break hours i had in the Staff Kitchen. Boy do i really need that break!
But who cares!! The perks are just too awesome!! I get to eat the pastries that i made and i even get to learn plenty of new stuffs and it was just a day in there! For example, i learned that it's soooo easy to bake a muffin and standing in the freezer for more than 10 minutes could be hazardous! Seriously, my ears was hard!! i mean it's solid and not squishy. It hurts alot but the pain went away once i eat the strawberries on the table! XD
2 weeks left. I have 10 days of work left !! Wow can't believe 3 months flew by just like that. Plenty of things to do as well after the training but i'll mention it later in another post~

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