Monday, August 20, 2012

The Gatherings

Hey all. Yesterday was the first day or Raya and it was amazing. Still wish I could spend it with my family back home but it certainly came pretty damn close. It was a very good day for me yesterday. Woke up really early to prepare the food. Had everything except the rendang ready by 10 and I felt really good.

There was the case of the frozen chicken but Azeem, Atiqah and I managed to sort it out in around 30 minutes. Then we started to cook the rendang which took so damn long! Thank you so much to Atiqah, Ainshah, Azeem and Mysarah for helping with the prepartion. Really couldn't have done it without you guys. Really would've died if there was no help, 13 people came to my apartment yesterday and I'm glad to say everyone had some food to eat. It was not one of those gatherings where if you came late, you wouldn't get anything.

I find that it was a lucky day for me as well. Yesterday, when I went to buy groceries at coles. I got some 'Duit Raya'. How? Well it was the courtesy of human error. I had a total receipt of 9 dollars something for my groceries and I paid with a 50 dollars note, then I got back 50 dollars with change. Yep, I got paid for shopping. Just a good way to start my day as well.

Oh yeah, the post is called the gatherings for a reason. There's another gathering as well. It was Heng Kit's birthday yesterday. Shout out to you brother! It was a 10 pax gathering at an Italian restaurant somewhere in Carlton. Had a blast! The pizzas were great, the place was cool and best of all, the company was awesome. Just a good birthday dinner all in all.

You must be thinking oh wow that's so cool and yadidadida. Don't get me wrong, it really was a great day but I wouldn't wanna do that every week. So tired yesterday and in fact, I still am. I think I'll rather have someone else hold a gathering next time. Well that's that. I'll finish off this post with a super witty comment that will surely make you laugh or at least pull a chuckle of you.


ps. I just realized it wasn't that funny but I shan't back down with my words because that is not the Way of the Man!

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