Friday, March 2, 2012


Threats are not really known to me. Never really used them, nor have I been threaten by someone before. It is also one of the big baddies of evil. Threatening someone is just plain wrong and being threaten by someone could lead to some nasty stuffs as well, or so I heard.

Well, imagine someone threatening you to do this or else he/she will do something that'll affect your life as you know it. Would that hurt you? Would that give you stress or even have some disturbing thoughts for example hurting them? It does to me.

I've been a victim (no other words are appropriate here :P), of this cruel thing. By my manager of course. Who else would it be. She's been ruining my recent life here in Melbourne and looks like she's fallen deeper into my hate pit. The threat was actually very simple, but she said it twice already and I'm in no good mood to just sweep it under the rug and play stupid either. Basically she threatened to fire me if I don't do a better job or ask for less hours in the work place. Well, I can't stress the fact that I've only gotten 2 off days for the past month. Yes, 2 and you're saying that I'm working so little? Fuck you bitch.

This Monday, I'm heading to William Angliss and see Julie (the lady who's in charge of this internship) and explain this matter to her. If all goes well, I'll quit that fucked up place and hope you die in a ditch bitch. Hey, that rhymes. Finally something good today. Sigh.

Edit: Didn't see Julie today, decided to suck it all up and wait till Friday and see what happens.

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