Thursday, January 12, 2012

Almost 40

Whew, tired as hell here. I have gave my resume to almost 40 different establishments in 2 days. No callbacks so far but I do have 2 trials on Saturday and Wednesday. Both aren't in the 'I wanna really get this one' category but I can't complain now can I?

The first one is at Madam Kay's on Russel's. It's a small Malaysian restaurant and it really does look good from the outside. When they said I could have the interview right there and then, I was ecstatic. Turns out the chef there is an ass. She's from Malaysia too, but she was all "I don't want to go around teaching you when I really need a cook." and "I know you said okay but I don't want you to run away after a week". I know I don't look like a capable person in your eyes but have some respect. You really have some trust issues and what's with the hours and pay. I know I'm desperate but 3-5 hours a day with only 9 dollars an hour is just shit. Sigh. (By the way, those words that she said was actually all in B.M)

The second one is actually way better in terms of first impressions and it is also a Malaysian restaurant. The lady was all nice and asked me how I was doing and was actually nice enough to ask me what day I want to do the trial while the other one just said Saturday and said it must be a Saturday, they just leave it to me to come or not. But I didn't have any interview here though, it was all talking from the other side of the counter. You must be thinking, why bother with the first one, just go for this. Well it is actually my ego who's stopping me from taking this job. I might seem a little racist after this, but it's juts this, they are only Indians there. I don't mean any ill intentions towards Indians, one of my best friend is an Indian too (Love u Ranessh). I would just look totally out of place there, and as bad as it sounds, I don't want to sound lame to my friends here in Melbourne. I know you're saying "Fuck, he's a racist.", but before you do, think about it yourself, what would you do if you're in my shoes. It's actually eating me up inside here. I'll just have to go to both trials and just choose which one has the nicest environment to work in.

Just so you know, my desperation does not affect my choices in the 2nd one. It's just my pride. The 2nd one actually looks like the ideal choice right now but yeah, can't decide with just these right? Hope these trials goes well and wish me luck please. I really need some.

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